What functions can the welcome robot provide?

What functions can the welcome robot provide?


In the future, the dispatching, monitoring and collaboration capabilities of welcome robots and cloud robots will be promoted on a large scale, which will become the focus and trend. Commercial welcoming robots have already begun to be used and cover the itinerary after the check-in in front of the store and its life services. The following briefly introduces what functions the welcome robot can provide.

1. Independent welcome

Place the welcome robot in venues, hotels, shopping malls, and other venues for events and promotions. When guests pass by, the robot will actively greet them, and can also send welcome speeches to guests on stage and on-site. When the user enters the written welcome message into the programming, the robot will express it through a unique language effect.

2. Action performance

The welcoming robot will have a talent show and will use the movements of the head, eyes, mouth and arms to fully demonstrate the robot's entertainment and music functions. In hotels, such service places that tend to rest and privacy, often face social problems related to guests, which is more or less a social obstacle, so many people will try to gain trust from them by attracting cats and dogs through the cloud And a sense of security.

welcome robot

3. Man-machine dialogue

With the development of today's technology, robots have advanced voice recognition capabilities, and on-site guests can use microphones to ask many questions to the robot. The content of the dialogue can be customized according to the needs of the user. Robots will answer guest’s questions in humorous language. Through man-machine dialogue activities or celebrations, the content can be fully displayed to the guests on site, and the participation of the guests can be increased, so that entertainment and fun can produce good interactive effects.

All in all, the functions that the welcoming robot can provide are autonomous welcome, action performance, and human-machine dialogue. In the future, the robot plans to further open the upstream and downstream of hotel services, such as taxis and airport shuttle services after departure, and can cooperate with travel agencies. Welcome robots with good service quality can rely on their strong memory, and applicable scenarios will become places that require a lot of data and knowledge, such as museums, hotels, hospitals, and convenience stores.