smart robot kit Stack Application Development Kit

smart robot kit Stack Application Development Kit


Intelligent robot full-stack application development is a comprehensive skill that integrates various technologies such as machinery, power electronics, automation, computer software, and artificial intelligence. At the same time, it integrates the trends and laws of industrial development and enterprise technology development, and the professional construction and talents of schools. The organic combination of training rules puts forward higher requirements for the level of intelligent robot skilled talents, which is in line with the future direction of skill development.
The intelligent robot full-stack application development kit is based on the full-stack development position of the intelligent robot industry. It is suitable for the practical teaching links of artificial intelligence, intelligent science and technology, and robotics engineering. It assists schools in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics with full-stack Cultivation of talents for application development capabilities.
1. Product composition
    Intelligent robot full-stack application development kit is mainly composed of deep learning training machine (VK-DeepStation), intelligent robot (VK-AIHex) and corresponding scene training track (VK-AIHexStadium).
1. Deep learning training machine VK-DeepStation
The deep learning training set will be equipped with high-performance GPU and a complete artificial intelligence development environment system and container image, eliminating the trouble of wasting time and energy for students configuring the system environment, allowing students to focus on the learning and development of artificial intelligence;
2. Intelligent robot VK-AIHex
The intelligent robot is a bionic foot robot composed of high-performance servo joints with 18 degrees of freedom, and is equipped with the NVIDIA GPU edge computing main control unit of the first echelon of the artificial intelligence industry, as well as rich application development examples and resources.
3. Scene training track VK- AIHexStadium
The scene training track running field is about 6 meters long and 5 meters wide in a rectangular area, which is divided into multiple task training zones including the starting point, the end point, the traffic signal area, the height limit fence area, the stair platform detection area, and the special space inspection area.
smart robot kit